
Using traditional farming and modern science to create simple solutions to complex problems

Pet Food Math – How long will the package last

Pet Food Math? All you ever wanted to know about your pet food label in numbers How long will this package of food last?Part 7 ...

Pet Food Math – How much will this food cost me

Pet Food Math? All you ever wanted to know about your pet food label in numbers How much will this food cost me every month?Part ...

Why Feeding Your Hungry Dog More Might Hurt Them

Does your dog whine and paw at you when you eat? Do they bring you their empty bowl after they have already eaten? Are they ...

How Much To Feed Your Furry Friend

I’m sure you have seen many calculators or guides online or on pet food packages that tell you how much you should feed your dog. ...

Calculating Carbohydrates

How much sugar does my kibble have? Do you think sugar when you hear the term carbohydrates? If you don’t, then you should. The majority ...

Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative Agriculture is a holistic land management practice that produces healthy microbe-rich soil for healthy plants, animals, humans and the environment. Regenerative Farms work to ...

The Taurine Controversy

Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs eating grain-free diets is a hot topic in pet news right now.  Many pet parents feel concerned, confused, frustrated and ...
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