Using traditional farming and modern science to create simple solutions to complex problems
Solutions has partnered with some esteemed colleagues in the veterinary field to bring you a new and exciting addition to some of our diets. We are working with RISOBiotics, which is a divisions of All Creatures Healthy Soil, Inc to bring you gut biome support like you have never seen!
The development team includes molecular biologists, animal behaviorists, veterinarians, regenerative agriculture scientists, dog trainers and dog parents. These organizations of brilliant people have created a microbiome support product that we believe is going to be revolutionary in helping dogs prevent, treat and fight disease.
Can exposure (especially as a puppy) to healthy bio-diverse soil help restore the dog’s microbial communities and therefore enhance the overall health of the dog? There is a plethora of scientific research that shows how gut/microbiome health impacts the health of humans and animals. As our pets, specifically dogs, become a more integrated part of the family they are losing access to a biodiverse microbes and pathogens. When there is a balanced gut and ecosystem, we generate a healthier pet.
Learn more here:
Health Benefits of Heat-Killed (Tyndallized) Probiotics: An Overview
Núria Piqué, et al International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019 May; 20(10): 2534.

You will see other products out there that might seem to be similar, but RISOBiotics is truly the first of its kind. The regenerative agriculture improves soil health. This is done primarily through practices that increase soil organic matter. As with anything, sourcing is key. This new product was sourced and developed with every detail in mind to meet the needs of a dog’s ancestral microbiome, which improves the overall health.
We are honored that the team at RISOBiotics has selected Solutions Pet Products to premier their soil metabolite product! There are some diets that will include this post biotic, helping your pet not only survive, but THRIVE!
If you would like to learn more about RISOBiotics and the science, check out their website!
Leaders of RISOBiotics and All Creatures Healthy Soil, Inc

Natasha Lilly, DVM, CVA CO-FOUNDER
Since graduating from UC Davis with honors and a focus on Equine Medicine, Dr Lilly has continued her ongoing quest for options in health including certifications in acupuncture (IVAS 2010) and Chinese Herbal Medicine (Chi Institute 2012). She has also worked and studied under Dr Barbara Royal at the Royal Animal Treatment Center and under the continued mentorship of Dr. Jaymie Noland of Cal Poly, San Luis Osbispo where she applies her passion for holistic approaches in her practice in California. In addition, Dr Lilly continues to lecture and co-operates a working ranch.
Dr Lilly explores solutions for big world problems that can be appreciated best through the eyes of nature. This has led her to begin working alongside top leaders and researchers in regenerative agriculture through the Center for Regenerative Agriculture at Chico State University.
For over 20 years, Erika Martin has been a leader in noteworthy businesses across multiple sectors, including category frontrunners in the medical, ad agency, and beverage industries. Most recently, she held a key executive role leading operations and business development for a regional respiratory firm that became the number one provider in the region. She prides herself in building businesses by turning strategy into reality through tenacious execution, focusing on operational efficiency, exceeding financial targets, and inspiring teams. Erika holds a BA from The University of Wisconsin and currently resides in San Luis Obispo where she loves being outdoors with her two daughters and family mascot Bentley.