See what others are saying about our products.
I just wanted to reach out and say that I am so appreciative of the fact that I discovered your brand a while ago. I waited so patiently for a store within a reasonable driving distance to start carrying your products. I can remember just how excited I was to purchase my first product from Solutions. The first thing I got to try from your brand was chicken jiggles. My dogs loved the jiggles on their food! Recently, I am happy to say that I am in a place where I can afford to buy your diets for my dogs. I’ve never been so excited to buy dog food before! It might sound silly but it was a very special moment for me. The transition from their previous raw food to yours was rather easy. I didn’t experience any stomach upset or bad poops with any of them and they were all VERY enthusiastic about the change. We are on our second twelve pound box of chubs. The only thing that I can’t get used to is the fact that they eat about half the amount of what they were served with the old food. I’m sure they all wished they were fed more too! They are all little babies so the portion that the feeding calculator recommends just looks so small.
Your food is very appreciated by my newest rescue. I found her very recently on August 17th in a tiny crate by a side road in my city. She was covered in old and infected wounds that were bleeding and covered in fleas. She has several other problems both internal and external. She is some kind of chihuahua mix. I don’t know anything about her past (except that it wasn’t great) but I do know that the first time she got up and came to me wagging her tail it was when I was holding her bowl of Solutions. It has become her favorite time of the day! It felt so good to see her happy. She is a few pounds underweight so I greatly appreciate your feeding calculator to help me out as she gains weight. I’m not sure what she was fed before I found her but she has done so well on her new diet. No bad poops or any sort of upset. I know from her reaction to seeing her bowl that she’s happy and enjoys her food! Her name is Biscuit and I think she might be your biggest fan!
I apologize for the rather long message. I am just very grateful to be able to afford a brand that I feel I can trust 100% with my dogs nutritional needs. I am so happy that they all love what they are fed too! I want to thank everyone at Solutions Pet Products for making such wonderful things for my babies to enjoy!

- Amber D..
Well, I wanted to let you know that we love Solutions and are grateful for the quality and effort and thought that goes into your products. For example, we have bought other brands from Raw Bistro, Smallbatch, and Green Juju. Well, your food is not only better, but the way you package the patties in the box with the wax paper is ten times better than the way the others do it. The packaging is a big deal for us and I’m sure others are grateful as well. Well, we will continue to support Solutions. Especially since our three border collies love your food!!!
- Danny E.
"When I was told my 1 year old dog had kidney disease and wouldn’t make it till 2, I was devastated. Her vet at the time told me to feed her a “prescription” food and hope for the best and that was it. I didn’t accept that’s all I could do for her and after much research, trial and error, I changed her diet to raw. Her diet consisted of raw goats milk, fish broth and a portion of meat. I was hesitant at first not knowing much about raw feeding but in just two months her kidney values improved significantly and the vets were shocked. I then realized the power of food and how healing it can be. Before Solutions, Rosie’s creatinine was 3.1 and BUN 44, she had high blood pressure and was a little more lethargic. Since following the Solutions Restorative Kidney Diet, she is thriving and her kidney values are holding steady with a creatinine of 1.9 and BUN 23 and she no longer has high blood pressure. We just celebrated her 3rd birthday and we’re now looking at many more years together when I was told she wouldn’t make it past 2. I am weary of who I trust and what I feed my dog but Solutions Pet Products and their Restorative Kidney Diet have not only proven to be outstanding in quality but by far the best in the industry. I am forever grateful to have more time with my girl and I owe it to her diet and everyone at Solutions."
- Shannon G.
"I really wanted to share how blown away I have been by the improvement with my "allergy" dog. I really thought I was doing a decent job at feeding a clean diet. I get most of their organs, eggs, fruits, veggies and raw meaty bones from our farmers market. I also order a lot from Raw Feeding Miami. But I was buying a lot of their muscle meat from markdowns at the grocery store. I have only been consistently feeding your diets for the past three weeks - for my allergy pup I followed your allergy guidelines - the pork, with the pork or fish jiggles and the fat source. I have also fed him your chicken diet and he has done great on that as well. He's not perfect but I absolutely notice a decrease in redness and scratching and his skin is much improved. I had planned, because of cost, to just include your foods as part of my rotation but I honestly don't think I can afford not to keep them both on this!! I have tried so many variations over the years and I honestly was not expecting your food to have such a noticeable benefit (I hope you understand what I'm trying to say?!) . Sometimes it is hard to know if food or supplements are actually helping your dog and in this case it has been undeniable and for that, I am so thankful for all your efforts!"'
- Tracy
"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and let you know that I truly beleieve your goat’s milk product saved my dogs life.
He went from being a perfectly healthy dog with zero health problems ever to falling ill last August with severe neurological problems and suddenly went blind.
Through administering your product, he has regained his health except for his eyesight.
This is by far the best product of its kind that I’ve tried in over 18 years of having dogs."

- Esha